EP and CP; How Can Exercise Physiology Assist in Managing Cerebral Palsy? - Hunter Rehabilitation & HealthHunter Rehabilitation & Health
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EP and CP; How Can Exercise Physiology Assist in Managing Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral Palsy or CP for short is a neurological condition that occurs during pregnancy or complications in birth. CP affects the movements of some or many muscles in the body. CP can affect the whole body, just one side, exclusively upper or lower body or even isolated to one limb.  CP is the most common physical disability in children, whilst permanent it is not progressive. People who have CP can have shaky movements, involuntary movements, stiff and tight muscles, and will often have limited or altered function in the affected areas.

Exercise Physiologist or EP for short are trained in assist with many neurological conditions including CP. So how would participating in EP help manage CP?

EP’s are all about increasing a person’s function! We use exercises to help increase their strength in affected limbs. Increasing their strength can help to improve someone’s ability to climb steps, walk further or possibly walk with less assistance. It may allow them to complete activities of daily living much easier things like lifting and carrying objects, getting in or out of bed or chairs and completing dressing or showering activities more independently.

Along with the stiff and tight musculature, those with symptoms of shaky or involuntary movements can find that they will experience stiffness as well. Participating in exercises can assist in increasing flexibility and range of motion in those with muscle stiffness. With increases in range of motion or reduce stiffness this may improve their ability to move or function in those stiff muscles or joints.

While the changes may not be permanent for some, the exercises can provide them with relief from the stiffness and the pain associated with tight muscles.

Participating in EP for CP an have improvements in quality of life, mental health, general health and specifically targeted to manage the condition. If you have any further questions give us a call or book an appointment with paediatric specialist Eden or NDIS specialist Kelsey.

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